Meet Tamar

Hi! I’m Tamar, I’m a mother, a photographer, a nature lover, and I live in rural Scotland. I’ve been photographing couples and families in Scotland full time for 6 years now, and during that time my husband and I moved from Edinburgh to a cottage in rural fife, we had two little boys, and we’ve grown our photography business together to the point where we’re both able to work for the business and stay home with our boys full time! It’s truly a dream come true for us and we’re so passionate about encouraging others to fulfil their dreams too.

In 2021, my first child was born and my whole life was transformed in that moment. They say when you know you know, and when I locked eyes with my child, I knew. Keeping my child safe and well was a need more primal than bringing oxygen into my own lungs. Within a heartbeat, this child in my arms became our orbit. And now he’s a child, and we have another sweet baby who is so different to his brother but equally as earth shatteringly loved and treasured. I don’t know where the years went but I do know that they were (and are) so beautiful and so full. I don’t want to miss a minute of it, and I never want to forget these hazy days.

Thus, my passion for capturing the beating heart of family life began.

My vision for my art lies in storytelling, it’s what inspires and informs my photography and I’m so happy that you’ve chosen to enter this space as I share with you the techniques that I’ve developed over the years to capture genuine and beautiful moments in an artful and intentional way.

My motivation rests in this simple truth - everyone’s Love, life, and reason for being, everyone’s experience and everyone’s family, deserves to be documented in a beautiful, considered, authentic way.

We all deserve to have our memories to treasure always. I know what it is to love, and I know what it is to grieve, and I’ve learned how important it is to honour our journeys and to preserve our memories.